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DemiurgДата: Воскресенье, 26.02.2012, 12:08 | Сообщение # 46
Король Люпус
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Свежие слухи по ХСМ
Darnok recently brought some rumors to the table regarding Chaos, saying the codex is “done and almost at the printers” whatever that means.

He also spoke of a few miniatures we can expect to see, including an Iron Warriors character with servo harness, possible new Obliterators, and plastic Plaguebearers on round bases. What with 75hastings69's recent denial of Plaguebearers in the starter set, it is possible these are a full plastic kit.

Darnok also said that painted versions of all four Cult Terminators have been sighted, but said they could have been conversions. These could have been made with the sprues other rumours have mentioned.

theDarkGeneral told us new Chaos Bikes and the New Dread have been spotted by GW Memphis staff, who claim these plastic kits have lots of bits.

They also apparently have a pdf of some sort and say it "screams death and carnage"

The bikes were confirmed as being new, not recut, and the Dread was described as a "crazy spikey combat dread"

theDarkGeneral also implied that there may be an additional heavy weapon upgrade for Chaos units, but was supposedly told it's not a Plasma Cannon

ant1clock told us his local GW told his that the Thousand Sons kit is no longer available because they are moving to Finecast. It is unclear if this means a new, all Finecast kit, or if the metal components will move to FC.

Понравилась ка-бы "мысля в слух" из этого разговора - Будут пластиковые Плагбириеры (чумоносцы демоны) на круглых подставках и возможно happy их пластик кит будет положен в стартер сет...

Еще что-то о пластиковом дреде и Дарк Генерале, а также новые хаос байкера (слава тебе как гоовориться)

Пред несущими слово враг снова падет!
Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Понедельник, 27.02.2012, 15:06 | Сообщение # 47
Король Люпус
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Кое что интересное по ХСМ:
- Облитераторы получат не только "энергетические пушки" - нам обещают мислы и автопушки! Причем ХЕВИавтопушки.
- Такие спешал чары как Абба Кхарн и Тифус и др. будут иметь спец правило Вечный воин разной степени крутости.
- Появятся и другие "менее значимые" персонажи легионов как в командных подразделениях так и в качестве "апгрейдов" в отряды.

Источник - Варфордж и Варсир

(Just some quick news:

*Obliterators: Get more then just "energized" weapons, which may include hvy auto-cannon and missle launcher.

*Special Characters: Several get varying levels of Eternal Warrior (1-3), which includes Abaddon, Kharn and Typhus and 2 others.

*Characters/HQs: A few more options for mid-level characters which according to Legion, can be taken as HQ slots (two for one) or as a separate Elite or Fast or Troop choice that can be split off? Maybe like a unit of Dark Apostles that can then split off as squad leaders? Not sure on this exactly. My buddy often talks to quickly!)

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Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Вторник, 28.02.2012, 08:08 | Сообщение # 48
Король Люпус
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Новости с даккадакка.сом (ХСМ):

So my snitches have passed along a few bits.
Up next for 40k sounds like may timeframe for a chaos codex. Rumored to expand upon 4 major legions.
New plastics
Chaos dread.
New plastic raptors
New plastic plague bearers
New character sculpts, not sure if abaddon is included...

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Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Среда, 29.02.2012, 10:28 | Сообщение # 49
Король Люпус
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по слухам - новый тип ХЕВИавтопушки будет -

БУТЧЕР Каннон - tongue последняя вундервафля с форджи tongue для дредов (но будет портирована для обли)- S8 ap 4 heavy 4, range 36.

Эх если такое смогут таскать Хавоки - это пипец

как написал человек на варфордже - "если хавокам такое выдадут..то под ТХ и 4 таких пушки укапывают всё что угодно"

ПС понятно, что есть такой фактор как "кубы и кривые руки" НО само наличие такого оружия по-моему внушает

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Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!

Сообщение отредактировал Demiurg - Среда, 29.02.2012, 10:41
DemiurgДата: Воскресенье, 18.03.2012, 11:07 | Сообщение # 50
Король Люпус
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Новые слухи по Легионам Предателей:
- First up, there is the implication of the new aesthetic design of the dead Thousand Son torso on the ThunderWolves kit. Have fun with that one. Plastic cult troops are said to be on the way.

- Talk of new Chaos Predator weapon options including a TL Plasmagun turret with single Plasmagun sponsons.

- Hints of Obliterator weapon morphs expanding beyond just energy weapons (as has been mentioned in some recent Black Library novels)

- Talk of several special characters look to be getting varying levels of Eternal Warrior (1-3), including Abaddon, Kharn, Typhus and two more. Hmm, multiple versions of Eternal Warrior was including in the "Mystery/Hoax" ruleset.

- Options for "mid-level" characters possibly able to be taken taken as 2-for-1 HQ choices, or possibly as "as a separate Elite or Fast or Troop choice that can be split off" Example given was a possible unit of Dark Apostles that can then split off as squad leaders. (like Wolfguard)

- Chaos will struggle to combat psykers, but Khornate characters have ways of nullifying psychic abilities aimed at them. (probably Collars of Khorne)

- More options for Thousand Sons and a Tzeentch Daemon Engine.

- And finally, talk of Alpha Legion forcing enemies to take Ld tests before they move or shoot in some manner. ~ I am Alpharius!

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Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Воскресенье, 18.03.2012, 11:10 | Сообщение # 51
Король Люпус
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Слухи по некронам:

Вторая волна перенесена на апрель, или 1 или 7-8-ого.
В релизе будут Stalkers, Scythes, Blades, Spyders, and Wraiths.

Появилась фотка некой игры от ФФГ по ВХ40к, использующей механику Талисмана и называющейся "Relic" (т.е. по идее игруля с миньками):

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Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Четверг, 22.03.2012, 08:27 | Сообщение # 52
Король Люпус
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Новые стартер пейнт сеты - http://www.warseer.com/forums....2280555

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Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Четверг, 22.03.2012, 22:37 | Сообщение # 53
Король Люпус
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Форжовский шагатель с экспериментал рулс.
Даёшь за 195ртс 8 выстрелов 8 силой!!!=)
правила на сие чудо

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Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 15:17 | Сообщение # 54
Король Люпус
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Очередные слухи - At the risk of getting the cr@p kicked out of me ..... after the whole "summer of fliers" thing (with stickmonkey)
I have heard scraps that suggest there may well be something going on with 'fliers'.

I have heard some snippets about :

a) A kit for a SM flier called a "Storm Hawk" (A "Storm Hawk Gunship")
b) An Ork fighter kit (might have been a fighter/bomber?)
c) A 'fliers' supplement. (...as the first supplement to 6th Edition).

Now you have to remember I don't know so much about 40K OR follow 40K rumorz.
So .... I don't know:

a) If you have heard this already?
b) What I am talking about!

When I hear 40K stuff it really doesn't mean that much to me?
So I tried the google on 'Storm Hawk' and found this:

All of the following is from: Tempus fugitives - Age of the Emporer

"The Storm Hawk is a smaller, more agile transport from the same design lineage as the Storm Bird. Used extensively for small operations, as the Heresy progressed much of the STC data to build the Storm Hawk was lost although the Mechanicum have kept copies so that if it were to fall completely out of service a variant could be reintroduced at a later date."

Unit Type: Vehicle ( Fast Skimmer)
• Cerberus Launcher
• Turret mounted Twin-Linked Autocannon
• Hull mounted Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
• Four Hawktalon Missiles
(each a separate weapon)
Transport Capacity
20 Models (it has no firepoints
and may not carry walkers but
may carry Jump Infantry who
count as two models)
Special Rules
• Ceramite Shielding
• Power of the Machine Spirit
• Deep Strike
• Assault Vehicle

The following reference to a Storm Hawk has been offered by The Auditor:
(Also the nugget from Jes Goodwin.)

Quote Originally Posted by The_Auditor View Post
Hi Guys. Storm Hawk is from A Thousand Sons by Graham McNeill (p207). It is a small single unit transport craft/gunship, similar in nature to the Storm Raven. It was in use with the Thousand Sons legion and possibly others. Space Wolves were using a storm crow (p201). Plenty of refences to Stormbirds in other novels. It would make sense that this is chosen as the generic Marine flyer, as it would then be a kit that could be used by both Chaos and Vanilla marine codecies. As has been mentioned above. Jes Goodwin was very clear at UK GD that vanilla marines would not gain access to the Storm Raven, but was equally clear that they would gain a flyer of their own in the future.

First time posting, but as I knew where the reference comes from, I thought I'd but in.
and provides the following details and commentary:

Quote Originally Posted by The_Auditor View Post
Quotes from A Thousand Sons:

"He reclined in a converted gravity harness built into the crew compartment of a heavily modified Stormhawk transporter......"
"A dozen warriors of the Scarab Occult stood behind him in vertical restraints...."
"Within Ahriman's Stormhawk, internal spaces normally reserved for troops and heavy equipment were filled with banks of surveyor gear...."

If they chose to follow the fluff they have already put out, we are looking at something bigger than a Storm Raven, but smaller than a Thunderhawk. Perhaps capacity of 20.

Follow on from MajorWesJanson's theory. If the Storm Raven is a related STC to the Storm Hawk, then it would be a discard of some internal capacity if favour of dreadnought cradle externally.

However, I really hope the design is something completely different.

Also, the book heavily references the Hawk as a transport, rather than as a gunship with transport capacity. Read into that what you may.
The following support for this notion has been offered by StraightSilver

Quote Originally Posted by StraightSilver View Post
Well there will be something involving flyers for 6th Edition, and it will be a big deal apparently, but I don't think it will be this year (of course I could be wrong), possibly next Summer?

There apparently will be a new Marine Flyer, similar size but different load out to the Storm Raven.

Chaos should get a Locust equivalent, and if Tau do come out next year they should also get something.

I hadn't heard about an Ork flyer, but I really wouldn't be surprised, although if that was coming this year I am assuming it would have White Dwarf rules?
and this from me:

Quote Originally Posted by Harry View Post
Oh, and we get both Tau and Eldar next year and they both come with Fliers.

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DemiurgДата: Понедельник, 26.03.2012, 15:36 | Сообщение # 55
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Но опять же приписка - это только слухи... dry

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Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Понедельник, 23.04.2012, 21:26 | Сообщение # 56
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Слухи о новом стартере ("?" означает - возможно)
Starter news I have heard from several places now:
Terminator Captain
5 Deathwing
Tac Squad
Ravenwing bikes (3 likely)

CSM squad?

Dreadnought seems likely, as it adds vehicle rules. CSM squad may be referring to the chosen, or may not. Posessed will have to see, but they would add a daemonic aspect to the force.

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Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Понедельник, 23.04.2012, 21:27 | Сообщение # 57
Король Люпус
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слух по культистам все чаще и чаще мелькает...

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Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
WeinsteinДата: Вторник, 24.04.2012, 14:19 | Сообщение # 58
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Майские релизы ГВ:
Necron Triarch Stalker 1 mini may 5th $47.00 Plastic
Necron Tomb Blades 3 minis may 5th $41.25 Plastic
Necron Canoptek Wraiths 3 minis may 5th $47.00 Plastic
Necron Canoptek Spyder 1 mini may 5th $33.00 Plastic
Nemesor Zahndrekh 1 mini may 5th $19.25 Finecast
Illuminor Szeras 1 mini may 5th $21.50 Finecast
Vargard Obyron 1 mini may 5th $16.00 Finecast
Necron Destroyer Lord Upgrade Pack 5 parts may 5th $10.00 Finecast
Necron Heavy Destroyer Upgrade Pack 3 parts may 5th $8.25 Finecast
Citadel Water Effect 1 bottle may 5th $25.00 Hobby

Space Marine Bike Squad Upgrade Pack 3 parts may 19th $10.00 Finecast
Crimson Fists Shoulder Pads 10 parts may 19th $10.00 Finecast
White Scars Bike Squad Upgrade Pack 6 parts may 19th $10.00 Finecast
Crimson Fists Command Squad Upgrade Pack 9 parts may 19th $13.25 Finecast
Ultramarines Shoulder Pads 10 parts may 19th $10.00 Finecast
Crimson Fists Tactical Squad Upgrade Pack 13 parts may 19th $14.75 Finecast
Crimson Fists Assault Squad Upgrade Pack 14 parts may 19th $14.75 Finecast
Iron Hands Tactical Squad Upgrade Pack 23 parts may 19th $18.25 Finecast
Sergeant Telion 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Space Marine Librarian with Staff & Book 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Space Marine Librarian: Force Sword & Bolt Pistol 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Space Marine Chaplain: Crozius & Power Fist 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Space Marine Chaplain: Skull Helmet 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Space Marine Librarian: Force Axe & Plasma Pistol 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Space Marine Apothecary: Chainsword 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Damned Legionnaire: Multi Melta 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Damned Legionnaire: Heavy Flamer 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Damned Sergeant: Bolt Pistol & Power Weapon 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Damned Legionnaire: Flamer 1 mini may 19th $16.00 Finecast
Shadow Captain Kayvaan Shrike 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Chapter Master Pedro Kantor 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Marneus Calgar, Lord Macragge 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Chief Librarian Tigurius 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Kor'sarro Khan 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Space Marine Captain in Terminator Armour 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Chaplain Cassius 1 mini may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Sergeant Chronus 2 minis may 19th $19.25 Finecast
Forgefather Vulkan Heston 1 mini may 19th $21.50 Finecast
Space Marine Techmarine 1 mini may 19th $21.50 Finecast
Space Marine Terminator Chaplain 1 mini may 19th $21.50 Finecast
Captain Darnath Lysander 1 mini may 19th $21.50 Finecast
Space Marine Casualties 3 minis may 19th $24.00 Finecast
Space Marine Masters of the Chapter 4 minis may 19th $33.00 Finecast
Space Marine Damned Legionnaires 1 4 minis may 19th $33.00 Finecast
Space Marine Damned Legionnaires 2 4 minis may 19th $33.00 Finecast
Ultramarines Tyrannic War Veterans 4 minis may 19th $33.00 Finecast
Legion of the Damned Squad 5 minis may 19th $41.25 Finecast
Space Marine Veterans MK2 5 minis may 19th $41.25 Finecast
Space Marine Veterans 5 minis may 19th $41.25 Finecast
Space Marine Thunderfire Cannon 1 mini may 19th $56.00 Finecast

Телефон 0976628173
DemiurgДата: Среда, 25.04.2012, 17:53 | Сообщение # 59
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Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
KainДата: Среда, 25.04.2012, 19:37 | Сообщение # 60
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ну-у-у, приди в клуб, расскажи что ли?

"...Познайте Вашего Врага..." - Это выражение всегда оскорбляло меня сентиментальностью нераскаявшегося еретика...
