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Модератор форума: Weinstein, Kain  
WeinsteinДата: Среда, 30.05.2012, 11:44 | Сообщение # 76
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Слухи: новости по флайерам.

Дарк эльдары: Войд Рейвен будет больше Разорвинга, 4 двигателя, купол спереди, крылья с обратной стреловидностью. Это не будет конвершен кит форджи, а отдельная пластиковая коробка.

Тау: выйдет вместе с кодексом. Ходят слухи, что это убдет первый кодекс 2013 года, возможно февраль.

Эльдары: будет во второй волне, но возможно его отложат до переиздания кодекса в 2013 году. 50\50.

ИГ: получат кит с пластиковой гидрой. + ходит слух об игшной леталке, причем это будет также мултикит, как у орков.

Тираниды: Гарпия, но ходит слух, что это будет двойной кит, то есть будет выпущены правила на новую бестию, по принципу первой волны флайеров.

ХСМ: будет издан вместе с кодексом. Возможно будет доступен также демонам. Это будет демон энджин, возможно первый летающий дред.

Предварительная дата выхода второй волны флайеров: август, потом октябрь-ноябрь. Точно будет известно в августе.

В итоге:

Август - хсм
Сентябрь - стартер + файнкаст хсм
Октябрь - 2 волна флайеров
Февраль - Хоббит, 2 месяца до него и 2 после него будет отдано лотру.

Dark Eldar (via MajorWesJansen)
Void Raven, it is not the same as the Razorwing, but is larger, 4 engines, a nose canopy, forward canards. I've seen the concept art of it and discussed how to break it down into sprues with Jes himself. So it's not going to be a FW conversion kit, but a planned plastic kit that is somewhere in the pipeline.

Likely to come out with their codex. They are rumored to be the first codex of 2013. Likely February.

Its possible to see this vehicle in the 2nd wave, although its looking like its quite possible to be given to us alongside a codex release further along in 2013. Probably a 50/50 shot at the moment.

Other Codices
Imperial Guard may very well get their Hydra in the second wave
Tyranids- Are looking at the Harpy, and possibly a new monstrous creature (dual kit?)

Dragon like Daemon Engine is rumored, so I expect this to cover both Chaos Daemons and Chaos Space Marines. This guy is expected to be released as part of two quick waves of Chaos Marines.

So when is this 2nd wave of Flyers going to arrive?
First month available appears to be August, followed by October or November. However I am going to throw down what I believe the rumor mill is hinting at......

July: 6th Edition: Rules (Rules for Flyers included in Std Games)
August: Chaos Marines + Wave of Chaos Models
September: 6th Edition Starter Set followed by a Chaos Marine Wave ( finecast)
October: 2nd Wave of Flyers including........ Voidraven, Harpy dual kit, Hydra Flak Tank

Then its all Hobbit Hobbit Hobbit until February's Tau codex release


Прощай 5ка, лучшая редакция всех времен, да здравствует 6ка!

Новая редакция правил вышла на низкий старт.

Теперь по новостям: ГВ отказывается от системы волн, теперь каждый кодекс будет выходить сразу с полным набором миниатюр. То есть те кодексы, которые были выпущены начиная с нидов, могут выдохнуть, никаких новых кодексов в течение 6-7 лет (это будет одна из самых долгих эр в 40к) по ним не будет. Более того, фотки нового хаоса будут в рульбуке, так что хсм сразу получат обновление после издания РБ.

ГВ переходит к изданию книг дополнений для всех армия, как отдельным тиражом, так и в ВД, как это было с флайерами, 1-2 раза в год.

В свете этого форджа получает карт-бланш на издание книг и правил. Похожая система была раньше у ГВ, сейчас ее используют приватиры.

В итоге кроме дополнений к правилам будут дополнения к кодексам, общие дополнения для всех кодексов, ВД и форджа. И все это абсолютно официально. Ну, и переиздание оставшихся старых кодексов примерно в таком порядке: хсм - да (ровно в конце 2012 года) - эльдары - бт - тау - орки.

We've got a good one today folks. The era of multi-waves may be headed for the trashbin.

The birds have been chirping, and they are saying that once 6th Edition is launched, the entire multi-wave concept for miniatures may be over from Games Workshop. There is talk that the Chaos Marine codex will launch with all its units, or at least have them shown in pictures in the codex.

Its no known exactly what the impetus for this change would be, but if true, it leads back to one of the core issues with the Games Workshop codex/army based concept. Primarily it means that as a player, you have nothing new to buy for your army for the entire 6-7 year timeframe until your codex is revamped.

This has had me thinking that fundamentally Privateer Press' model of a pair of annual "omnibus books" that add onto the core game and offer a handful of new units for every faction is superior. In that model, every player of the system has an incentive to buy the new book (because you get new core rules that expand the game), and you get your own new minis to collect for your personal army.

The drawback of course is more books to haul around over the life of an edition until the next rulebook version collates all the current stuff into a single book.

Телефон 0976628173
DemiurgДата: Понедельник, 11.06.2012, 18:50 | Сообщение # 77
Король Люпус
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Этой новостью стоит поделиться...
Starter box will either be unveiled or available to buy at Games Day. There will be a special, limited edition run of 5000 copies too.

Contents are Dark Angels vs Chaos Space Marines

Tactical Squad


Пред несущими слово враг снова падет!
Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
AXMED3836Дата: Вторник, 26.06.2012, 20:22 | Сообщение # 78
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Munitorum Templates

Product Information

The Munitorum Template set includes all of the standard templates required for 6th edition Warhammer 40,000 gameplay - so, whether you need to determine the blast radius of a certain psychic effect, or perhaps the area of effect of a flame-throwing weapon - this set is specifically designed to perform the task.

This Set contains 3 plastic templates - a 3 inch blast template, 5 inch blast template, and 5 inch long flamer template.

Ships To: Due to the GW trade terms we regret to inform customers that we can only ship this product to the following countries: Austria, Belgium, BFPO Addresses, Bulgaria, Channel Islands, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Estonia, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. Orders of this product to countries other than those listed will result in the item being cancelled from the order and your payment for it refunded

Кароче будут шаблоны в стиле Муниторума (Министерство военщины): адын бальшой, адын маленький и огнемётный.
WeinsteinДата: Среда, 27.06.2012, 10:13 | Сообщение # 79
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Imperius Dominatus has some great stuff on 6th Edition as well as posting the above Image. Much we have heard before, so is confirmation, but some is new. Check out their website for updates.

Well well well, look what I've managed to get my grubby mitts on biggrin

Quick rundown:

The new books look beautiful, full colour and the various photos of the pages throughout the magazine look really nice, can't wait to get my copy. As you have probably guessed the front of the magazine is very product heavy.

There is a very basic overview of how the new rules will influence each army, looks like even Tau get a boost wink

Two battle reports one involving the flyers and the other is Imperial Guard/Grey Knights vs Chaos Space Marines/Daemons. I'm looking forward to reading this as it showcases the much rumoured allies. The game is 2500pts with around 1750 spent on the main armies and 750pts spent on allies. Interesting things I've noticed are that allies use a small foc and it appears that fortifications are purchased with the ally points allocation, a bastion with quad laser is 125pts.

There is an article giving brief details of what psychic disciplines each army can take and how many powers their psykers can take. Powers from codices are still usable but unfotunately you can't mix and match, you either take codex powers or use new powers. Most psykers can take 1 or 2 powers, extremely powerful psykers can take 3, Eldrad can take 4! He is such a fucking dick... wink

The main batrep keeps score with Victory Points so it looks like Killpoints are a thing of the past, looks like my 60pt Dire Avenger squad will no longer be worth as many points as a fucking Land Raider...Yay biggrin

There is a large 8 page article giving an overview to the main rule changes, I haven't had chance to read this yet.

Objectives give different amounts of victory points depending on whether they are a primary or secondary objective.

Battle scenarios have primary and secondary missions.

Before the game you nominate a HQ as your 'Warlord', this model then gets to roll on one of three warlord trait tables, these are - Command, Personal and Strategic.

Hammer of Wrath - Allows Jump Troops to use their mass to deal damage as they land on their enemies.

Overwatch - Allows a free round of shooting if charged by an enemy but with bs1.

Update 2!

Missions - There seems to be a main mission table that you roll for and then the scenario has seconday missions. Different missions have effects on the game such as making fast attack choices scoring - Is this GW's way of stopping spam?

Warlord Trait - Command traits has Inspiring Presence which means units within 12" of your warlord can use their leadership.

Warlord Trait - Personal traits has Immovable Object which means the warlord can capture objectives.

New Rule - Interceptor, this gives the ability to shoot at units as they arrive from reserve.

New Rule - Skyfire, this allows the unit to fire at flyers at the models bs instead of bs1.

Sqns - Models in a sqn do not block each others los.

Mysterious Terrain - Archeotech Artefact, when this is discovered every psyker on the board suffers D3 S3 AP2 hits.

Update 3!

New Deployment - Hammer and Anvil, game is played along the long edge of the table (No more putting people by the radiator for Mercer!)

Secondary Mission - First Blood, first to kill an enemy unit gains a victory point.

New Rule - Flyers always arrive from reserve.

Flyers have to engage hover mode to allow units to disembark. While hovering flyers are counted as a fast skimmer.

New Rule - Multiple Assault, you can charge seperate units but you lose the +1 attack for charging (Fire Dragons say hello to static gunlines!).

If a flyer is shot down units on board take a S10 hit.

Update 4!

Aegis Defence Lines grant a 4+ cover save but add +2 if you go to ground behind them.

New Rule - Overwatch, when a squad is charged they can fire at the assaulting unit but they fire at bs1.

Update 5!
Rule Change - Fleet allows you to re-roll the 2d6 charge roll.

Terrain - Imperial Statues, armies of the imperium within 2" of an imperial statue are fearless.

Terrain - Fuel Tanks, grant a 5+ cover save, every time the fuel tank grants a cover save roll a D6, on a 1 the fuel tank explodes causing a S3 hit.

Terrain - Impact Craters, these grant a 5+ cover save.

Update 6!

Overwatch - Flamers cause D3 automatic hits when firing on overwatch.

New Rule - Snapfire, when stunned Dreadnoughts (possibly all walkers/vehicles) can snapfire at bs1.

New Rule - Ongoing Reserves, flyers can leave the board and be placed back in reserve, they then roll their reserve roll as normal.

Flyers - If a flyer is destroyed the wreckage can land on top of units and cause damage.

And that my friends is that, White Dwarf has been an interesting, if a little vague, read this month. It has done its job in getting me hyped for 6th biggrin

Телефон 0976628173
WeinsteinДата: Понедельник, 23.07.2012, 11:44 | Сообщение # 80
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Ссылка на 6-ку

Телефон 0976628173
KainДата: Понедельник, 23.07.2012, 12:06 | Сообщение # 81
Злобный Архонт
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Weinstein, на сколько это та самая 6-ка?

"...Познайте Вашего Врага..." - Это выражение всегда оскорбляло меня сентиментальностью нераскаявшегося еретика...

WeinsteinДата: Понедельник, 23.07.2012, 12:41 | Сообщение # 82
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настоящая качай ту что только правила. 150 страниц и играем в 6-ку=)

Телефон 0976628173
KainДата: Понедельник, 23.07.2012, 14:21 | Сообщение # 83
Злобный Архонт
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Weinstein, там есть и с беком... разница есть?

блеать, говорила мама, учи английский, а я - да ну нах, да впал он мне... кто же знал?((

"...Познайте Вашего Врага..." - Это выражение всегда оскорбляло меня сентиментальностью нераскаявшегося еретика...

WeinsteinДата: Понедельник, 23.07.2012, 16:37 | Сообщение # 84
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Разница в размере пдфника и в удобстве чтения.
Kain, Пока голова на плечах выучить можно все, без нее это сложнее сделать.

Телефон 0976628173
DemiurgДата: Вторник, 24.07.2012, 07:09 | Сообщение # 85
Король Люпус
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Чутка инфы. Для игроков за хаос думаю будет полезным. http://darogscompany.blogspot.com/2012/07/blog-post_23.html

-Release date: September 1st (my guess as well)
-Hard back (my guess as well)
-There is an Eye of the Gods-like table ~like the WFB Warriors of Chaos table.
You get to roll on whenever a character kills another character in a challenge, or a Walker or Monstrous Creature. There is a multitude of gifts (and curses) that your Characters can acquire which range from +1 Save, +1 Toughness, or becoming either a Spawn or a Daemon Prince!!! (Sorta True — trying to lump all the funky stuff into one table is not totally accurate. CSM codex is table land. Expect many random charts and upgrades it will be hard to keep track.)
-Chaos Cultists are in (true– said this and others before)
-The Dragon flyer is in – think Necron Night Scythe with the main chassis replaced by a massive mechanical dragon head with segmented wings sweeping forward and around from it. (True – The thing looks like a dragon head attached to the Owl from Clash of the Titans)
-Dark Apostles – ~Word Bearers rejoice!!! (True– but more of cultist leader/moral buffer)
-Warp Smiths – Chaos Techmarines that can curse vehicles and degrade terrain. ~maybe they’ll have anti-psychotic grenades ( True -Think Doc Ock )
-New Daemon Engine – half way between a Dreadnought and a Defiler. (True -I would say halfway between Defiler and Trygon)
-Defilers are Daemons and have a 5+ Inv save. (Yes a Demon, and some extra lovin…)
-’Cult’ units are all Elites and are unlocked to Troops by appropriate HQ choices (True- Said this before, but have some good news on that front)
-No Cult Terminators ~boo hiss!!! (-True, boo hiss!!!)
-Obliterators are exclusively for shooting – so no powerfists. (-False they will shoot, but still have a powerfist)
HOWEVER there is a new unit which is basically a close combat Obliterator. (True)
-There are 2 types of Raptors now: regular CSMs with Jump Packs, and Possessed Daemonic Raptors with Lightning Claws. (True)
-Possessed take multiple benefits from the Eye of the Gods table. (not sure)
-NO Daemons in the Codex. (true, but allies FTW!)

–Important Designer Note–
The new CSM codex is not a return to the 3rd edition codex, this is the successor to Gav Thorpe’s creation– the current CSM codex. Unlike before Phil Kelly was put in charge of building from the ground up; Space Wolves, Dark Eldar, and Orks codexes he instead has taken a much more subtle approach with the CSM Codex. This is not the reinvention of the wheel at its core this is a validation for Gav Thorpe and perhaps if you could ask Gav, Phil Kelly’s CSM codex would have been the codex he wished he could have written, but wasn’t allowed to.
–What will be Released–
We will know if GW has changed policy. This codex will reveal if GW has abandoned the wave method to model release with a new codex or if they have stopped caring and show you all the new models even if they don’t come out right away.
Finecast: Dark Apostle, Warsmith, New Lord, Oblits, All Old Special Characters not updated already
New Plastic: Dragon, Raptors, Dreadnaught, Demon Engine, Assault Oblits, Chosen
Upgrade Packs: Plague Marines, 1k Sons, Emperor’s Children
–General Changes–
Almost all of the old units are either the same point cost or have gotten cheaper. With the notable exceptions of Chosen, Terminators, Defilers getting more expensive. The notable cheaper ones being basic CSM, Oblits, Zerkers, The CSM is really an upgrade codex, while things have gotten cheaper you will be hard pressed to keep your units inexpensive with all the wargear you can add. The cheaper units doesn’t come without a cost as well, almost all units saw a LD drop. Also you will start to see a lot of the new USRs in the CSM book.
–What has stayed the Same–
The Cult units are the same in stats and basic wargear. No new Spacial Characters. Abbadon is still the only one with Eternal Warrior. Demon Weapons still can kill you. The Dreadnaught is still Crazy. The unit sizes have stayed the same as well as the wargear options found in the old codex; e.g. Chosen can still get a butt load special weapons.
–Psychic Powers–
As can you expect each Chaos God gives their chosen Sorcerer access to their own set of spells. That allows you to pick from Basic Spells and the new ones for each God. If anyone was wondering Lash of Submission is gone.
Ok now that we got the basics out-of-the-way let us get to the good stuff
A good number of units in the CSM codex have this USR.

CC Oblit
Demon Engines
Demon Prince

–It Will Not Die–
Wonder who was getting this new USR well you guessed it CSM is.

Demon Engines

–Demon Possessed–
Demon possessed just got a whole bunch cuter really. Instead of not being able to embark in demon possessed vehicles they now will only eat one of your guys and repair itself. Otherwise works the same way as before lose BS and ignore shaken and stunned, In addition some things get wargear automatically.

Demon Engines

All CSM characters must always accept challenges
–Icons and Marks–
Marks and Icons are both purchasable by most units. That means you have five new Icons and the same four marks, in which units can have a combination of two. This is a list of the USRs and stat bonus possible.

+1 T
+1 Invul Save
Soul Blaze
Furious Charge
+1 I

–Space Marines Better Hide–
Almost all CSM units get Hatred Space Marines. Now I am not sure if this includes all Space Marine variants or just Smurfs and friends.
–?Eye of the Gods Table?–
Yeah this will be the chart to end all charts and competitive players will cry everywhere because it is random. All 60+random abilities! Yes you heard it right over 60! How it works I don’t know, but characters can get multiple rolls on the chart through various methods.
Time for some specific models right? Sure why not!
Oh the Dragon yeah the model on everyone mind. This is a CSM answer to other flyers it is designed almost exclusively to hunt and destroy other flyers. Clocking in about the same points cost of Carnifex these little hell on wings Vector Strike and bring pain to a lot of things. Did I mention it gets to re-roll wounds and armor pens.
–Demon Engines–
The other mystery model that has been leaked. These guys sit on the large bases like Trygons. They have an assortment of special weapons that have never been seen before. They are designed for Building and Heavy armor destruction with Melta CC weapons and bonuses against buildings. They as well get to re-roll wounds and armor pens. Side note: Defilers as well get to re-roll wounds and armor pen.
–Dragons, Demon Engines, Defilers oh my-
So let me put this in perspective. All these models ignore shaken and stunned, have 5+ invul saves, re-roll wounds and armor pens, and can recover wounds and hull points lost.
–Cult Units–
I know much of the Internet was crying about them only being in the Elite slot when I first mentioned it. How dare they force me to take Kharn to spam Berserkers! Well don’t worry is not as bad as you think. You can also get a generic Lord and buy the correct mark and unlock them as troops as well. As for the rules themselves just minor changes.

Zerkers: Rage, Cheaper
1k Sons: Soul Fire, Same cost
Emperor Children: Weapons Ignore cover and now have Salvo USR, Cheaper
Plague Marines: Poison Weapons, More Expensive

–Typhus and Cultists–
Typhus is now a mastery level 2 sorcerer of Nurgle. In addition as reported earlier he can make any cultist a zombie. Zombies are going to be disgusting in 6th edition. FnP, Fearless, Fear, and all for no additional cost. As for Cultists they are cheap not conscript cheap, but close. You can get over 30 of them in a squad.
–Daemon Princes, Sorcerers , Chaos Lords–
Princes got more expensive wargear bringing them in line with the Demon Codex. Sorcerers are pretty much the same with the ability to buy up to Master level 3, but they only ever have 2 wounds. Chaos Lords are where it seems to be at, Phil Kelly wants you to design a Lord tailored to your army, their list of wargear options is easily the largest of any model in the book. Also remember they allow you to make Cult Units troops.
Ok that is all I got for now, depending on how the week goes and what GW does I might get more rumors for you, but until now that is all I got. Wait, no I just remembered something…

Пред несущими слово враг снова падет!
Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Суббота, 28.07.2012, 08:00 | Сообщение # 86
Король Люпус
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Демоны в Адвансед ордере (для игроков за Хаос) по 6 эд они лучший выбор Союзных войск для ХСМОв... Т.е. оптимальный вариант игры - Бэковые Ворд Биреры


Пред несущими слово враг снова падет!
Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
DemiurgДата: Суббота, 28.07.2012, 08:07 | Сообщение # 87
Король Люпус
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ИМХО Плаги разочаровали(мкталл был брутальнее) хотя возм это из-за покраса
Но пластиковые Нурглиты интересные

Пред несущими слово враг снова падет!
Проклятый крозиус дико ревет,
Безумие Хаоса в бой нас несет
Литаний псалмы затянем мы вновь,
Псов Трупа-на-Троне будет пролита кровь!
БорусаДата: Вторник, 31.07.2012, 00:22 | Сообщение # 88
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Кто-нибудь уже приступил к переводу нового рулбука?
KainДата: Вторник, 31.07.2012, 08:55 | Сообщение # 89
Злобный Архонт
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Боруса, в нашем клубе - пока нет. Закончим кампанию Сити Файт, тогда вплотную займемся 6-кой.

"...Познайте Вашего Врага..." - Это выражение всегда оскорбляло меня сентиментальностью нераскаявшегося еретика...

WeinsteinДата: Среда, 01.08.2012, 08:45 | Сообщение # 90
Группа: Инквизиция
Сообщений: 158
Награды: 4
Репутация: 1
Статус: Offline
Со стартером должна русская версия выйти. ГВ сами переводят.

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